It is quite understandable that you’ve probably stored a lot of important data on your cell phone. From credit cards information to confidential emails to business reports, you’ve kept copious amounts of private data on your mobile device that you would neither want to make public nor want to get destroyed.
With the outburst of cyber attacks in recent times, we should not risk our private data getting into the hands of a wrongdoer and should take online privacy seriously. If there are no existing data security measures in place then we are putting our online data at a huge risk. Our slight carelessness can pave the way for the hackers to snoop into our devices and discreetly steal all our private data.
Following are some of the tips that you might want to learn in order to keep your personal data safe and secure from the hackers:
Use a VPN
A VPN is regarded as one of the best online security tools because it offers online anonymity and complete internet freedom. Normally, they’re available for free but some also offer paid versions. Acting like a secure tunnel, a best free VPN encrypts all the data that passes through your cell phone and internet connection.
Update Your Apps
All the apps installed in your phone – be it a social media app or a game app – must be updated on a regular basis. What happens is, when a hacker finds a security hole in one of your apps, they can easily exploit it to access your personal data stored on your phone.
Lock Your Phone
Not locking up your phone is like keeping a door open for the hackers. If you don’t have the habit of locking up your phone then you might be in trouble. An unlocked phone gives a good opportunity to the hacker to snoop on your device and then get hands on your private data.
No Public Wi-Fi
We would always recommend you to steer clear of public Wi-Fi connections because they’re more vulnerable to cyberattacks and are also the unsafe form of internet connections. As soon as you get your cell phone connected to a public Wi-Fi connection, your online activity becomes openly available to everyone.
Install Anti-Virus App
Last but not the least, get an anti-virus app installed on your phone to safeguard it from the hackers. Some of the anti-virus apps do help in keeping the hackers at bay. If they’re timely updated, they can detect which particular app or folder contains a hazardous file or malware. Once you find the exact location of the virus, you can simply remove the file, or the app, or even reset your phone in the worst situation.