When it comes to web hosting, most people are aware they need to choose a fast and reliable host. While speed, reliability, and perhaps server space are the most known factors affecting your hosting plan, they certainly aren’t the only things you should look for in a host.
1. Shared Hosting
Most hosting plans offer access to shared hosting for your website, app, or blog. This works great for the largest percentage of web projects, as shared hosting is inexpensive and reliable. For those with more specific needs and concerns about SEO shared hosting does have its drawbacks, however.
As its name indicates, shared hosting plans put your website on a server with other sites. Most people aren’t aware that these other sites, usually chosen randomly and without description, can affect your site’s performance and rankings.
2. Optimized Hosting
A lot of people think all unlimited hosting plans are the same. This a huge misconception among site owners, even in 2017. Whereas you will get unlimited bandwidth and storage space with an unlimited plan, you may be sacrificing speed, ease of use, and other features to do so.
Many hosts have servers setup to give WordPress or other types of websites preferential hosting, and they can optimize for the plugins and backend software you’ll need to install to keep your site up to date. Some hosts provide automated backups for specific content management systems.
3. Factors Affecting Speed
Hosting speed is an area of much confusion among site owners. That’s because hosting companies often advertise simplistic speed specifications, ignoring a huge amount of variables that could affect your site’s actual load times.
4. Green Hosting
Green hosting is a somewhat new area in web hosting. Green hosting is part of the green movement to save the environment from waste and preserve our resources. It’s no surprise that those who are aware of the practice of green hosting often have misbeliefs about it.
5. Free Website Hosting
Not all web hosts are created with equal value, a fact that is most often reflected in the pricing structure of paid hosting. While free hosting does exist, it is not well suited for any professional project. Free web hosts often limit traffic and uptime to levels that are unacceptable for 24/7 online businesses.
Taking these 5 factors into account will ensure you select the hosting plan that will best suit your needs and preferences. Whether green hosting is important to you, or you base your decision strictly off speed and storage specifications, being informed about hosting plans will enable you more freedom and better hosting for your budget.