
How to Find the Right Software Development Partner for Your Next Web Project

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How to Find the Right Software Development Partner for Your Next Web Project

Are you a new startup looking for a developer to create your website for your business? Or, are you an established company looking to move to the next level with a brand-new software program or app? Regardless of your situation, when you are starting a new web project, finding the right software development company is vital to your success.

So, how do you find the right software development agency for your next web project? Before you sign any contract or pay for any services, you can ensure success in your project when you take these four things into consideration first.

Know What you Want From Your Project

Nothing dooms a project faster than vague instructions for your developer. To better set yourself up for success, know exactly what you are asking for in your next project. Identify exactly what your business needs from this project, know what your end goal is at the end of this project.

When you know exactly what you need from your developer, you can better ensure the project will be successful. So, have an outline ready, have a budget in mind, have a time frame mapped out- all of these will help set you, your project, and your chosen developer up for success.

Know What Your Budget Is

You have an amazing idea for your next project, you know it is just what your company needs to get to the next level in your business. However, you also know there are limitations within your budget. There is only so much available for building capital, it is not smart business to stray from your budget.

Knowing your budget will allow you to narrow down your search for prospective companies. For a smaller budget, you might want to take some time to dig around and find that next successful startup that will be your golden nugget in the minefield. However, if your budget allows for a larger and more established company then this might be the way to go, knowing that your project is in good hands.

Do Your Homework

Don’t just take the first company that sends you an offer. Do your homework and find the perfect software development company for this project. There are four ways you can do your homework when looking for the right software development partner for your next web project.

1. Ask for a Sample

While going with a start-up might be easier on the budget, you don’t want to gamble your entire web project on a completely green company. Ask for samples of their work, most companies will have a portfolio they can provide for future customers. Don’t be afraid to ask for samples. You will be paying them a lot of money; you deserve to know they can handle the project you will be tasking them with.

2. Ask for Recommendations

Again, you do not want to work with someone who can’t provide proof of their previous work and proof of their technical skills. So be sure to ask for testimonials from former clients. A good software company will be able to provide at least a few testimonials from former clients. Don’t just ask for these testimonials, follow up with them. 

Send them a quick email, or find them on LinkedIn, ask them how the project went. Were they able to complete it within budget and on time? These details will make or break your project so be sure to find out their track record before you agree to work with them.

3. Dig around for your own testimonials

While asking for recommendations is important, don’t stop with the ones provided. Keep digging, look around in online forums, and talk to previous clients and previous employees as well. These are the people who will tell you what they really think with no other ulterior motives. Ask questions about their work habits, their communication skills, as well as what is their aptitude for innovation and design. These are all things former clients and employees can tell you.

4. Stalk them on social media

Any technology company actively working today will have an active social media campaign. Check out their various profiles. Check out their recent mentions and comments. What are their general social characteristics online? Do they look like a company you want to align your company with? Do they have any complaints against them? How did they handle any disgruntled clients that may have posted online?

As you can see, it is very important for you to fully research any company before you start working with them on your next web project.

Stand and Deliver

Find the company that knows their true customer service doesn’t end with the sale. Once they deliver their product, will they disappear? Or will they continue to work with you and answer your questions as you start to work with your software?

This particular type of project will be especially dynamic. When you are creating a project such as completely redoing/creating your website or developing a brand-new software or app, you will need to be sure you can still contact your developer after the project has been delivered. While you don’t want to overstep the scope of the project, you want to know they will stand behind their product long after they deliver it to you.

Final Thoughts

Before you sign a contract or pay a retainer for your next web project, be sure to do your due diligence. Your company, your reputation, and the future of your business are at stake here. The stakes are simply too high to mess up with a failed project.

Decide your budget ahead of time. Establish the desired timeline and delivery date. Know exactly what your end goal will be with this new project. Be sure to do your homework on the company before you agree to anything. Ask for samples and testimonials from previous projects and clients. Check them out online and snoop around their online social profiles.

These steps will ensure that you find the perfect company to partner with for your next web project.

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