4 Tips to Secure Your Home Wireless Network

2 Mins read

The world has gone digital, and there is no better way to stay connected with the outside world at home than through your home wireless network. It gives you and your household members a convenient internet access point through your digital devices. It also allows you to have a single internet data plan rather than individual cellular data plans for each of your family members.

Unfortunately, malicious attackers are always waiting for the slightest opportunity to infiltrate your home wireless network and collect personal information from the connected devices, initiate malware attacks, and or misuse your internet connection for terrorist activities. It is prudent to keep your home Wi-Fi network secure at all times. Read on for four of the best practices you should implement to secure your home wireless network.

Change your Home Network’s Default Name

After setting up your home wireless network, the first step you should take is to change the default name assigned as the service set identifier (SSID). Default SSID reflects the Wi-Fi router’s signature and model. If the attackers identify your router’s model and manufacturer, they could easily manipulate the weak points and the model’s vulnerabilities and gain access to it.

Additionally, it is unwise to use Wi-Fi names such as ‘Jane’s Wi-Fi,’ which will only make you an easy target, while provocative names such as ‘Hack This If You Can’ might invite unnecessary guests to your network. Just use a simple, non-conspicuous name.

Use a VPN

When you connect to the internet through a VPN, the server computer verifies your device’s identity, approves and encrypts its network line from external access. There are dozens of VPN service providers. You can opt for more security and get a dedicated IP.

Set a Strong Password

A strong Wi-Fi password is crucial to your home network’s security. Most people make the mistake of setting an easy-to-remember password, such as a number string, forgetting that the easier it is to remember, the easier it is to hack. Set a hard to crack password that includes letters, numbers, and symbols, and if it is hard to remember.

Additionally, you have to change your Wi-Fi password frequently. Remember, it is a home network, and you don’t have control over who your family members share the password with.

Activate Network Encryption

There are three main encryption languages for wireless networks; Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), and WPA2. All modern routers use WPA2 to encrypt traffic through wireless networks. WEP and WPA1 are older versions, but they are less secure.

Advanced encryption processes such as quantum computer encryption and WPA AES are still being tested and are believed to be a solution to decryption challenges. Additionally, the Wi-Fi Alliance recently announced its launch WPA3, which seeks to encrypt browsing on open public networks.


The internet provides a constant source of information and a lifeline communication channel. However, not everybody is using the internet for information and communication purposes. Some are there to steal your identity, data, and money, and a less secure wireless network is one of the easiest gateways to that. To mitigate these risks, follow the above guidelines to secure your home wireless network.

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