It is not a secret that we live in a period of global financial crisis. No matter how sad it is, we have no other choice than to accept and adapt. Of course, each of us should try to make personal contribution in order to help our world get out of this situation, but it’s not going to happen any time soon. So while governments are taking care about everything connected to economic condition of our civilization, we need to learn how to manage our money wisely, and that’s what this article is about.
There are many possible ways to start saving your money. Even during the financial crisis it’s possible to save and multiply money. Therefore, I decided not to explain each possibility separately, just to make sure that you won’t feel confused after reading such article, but instead I’ve created a list of 10 best money saving blogs so that everyone could find the most suitable way of preserving their own finances.
The first blog we are looking at is truly outstanding. Its creator – Kerry K Taylor is an experienced freelancer who had written for press numerous times, author of the book, speaker and a talented blogger. As Kerry says today, back in 2008, when she started this blog, it was not more than a desire to not only teach people how to save money, but mostly to give them some useful tips in fun form. Later this idea had developed her into Canada’s Top Money Blogger.
Skuawkfox will be interesting for different ages. I think that Kelly had found this perfect balance between helpfulness and creativity and continues successfully apply them to her blog; by the way, it’s interesting that over 8 years of blog’s existence Kelly remained the only one writer of it. The blog itself is well-structured and all information is divided into sections like Shopping, Recipes, Holidays, and so on, in which Kelly presents us some useful tips about money saving.
AndThenWeSaved is another great money saving blog that focuses on life tips that help people to deal with their debts; this blog is written by Anna Newell Jones, who created a one year program called “Spending Fast” that tells how to pay off your debts if you buy only necessary things. Anna proved that this program works with her personal example. In one year she paid off $24.000 debt using this scheme. Also there is another, tougher version of “Spending Fast”, which is called “Spending Diet”; Anna tries to attract more people and encourage them to join to one of these programs and start living without debts.
The blog also includes many fun articles that tell us how to live without spending money on unnecessary or unimportant things.
Mint is a financial helper website that helps people to keep track of their spending. The goal of this resource is to help us with organizing our finances to see where and on what spend money and to give every person a possibility to learn how to manage his or her money wiser. People who had registered at Mint and achieved certain success in their budgets planning can use another feature of this service – the blog that gives valuable and running tips about money saving.
WiseBread is a blog run not by one, but by a whole team of bloggers. This blog isn’t focused at something one; here you can find some tricks that helps you save some money on regular things, and at the same time some ideas how to earn money can be also found here. The main idea that writers of WiseBread are telling us about is how to make your life brighter and live in grand style within small budget.
Numerous contests are distinctive features of this source. WiseBread invites its readers to take part in different competitions to win good prizes like gift cards or other.
Get Rich Slowly
This blog, unlike other options listed above is less fun and more conservative; here you won’t find funny texts about money savings or articles that tell you about unreliable ways of earning “fast money”, instead all content of this blog is straightforward and let’s say more scientific. In 2011, Time Magazine had highlighted that Get Rich Slowly is one of the best money saving blogs.
Budgets Are Sexy
This site is absolutely opposite from previous point of my list; It’s frivolous, daring and risky. Not everyone can except and like a unique Budgets Are Sexy style of presenting important and helpful information because some people will think that it’s complete nonsense after reading a couple of titles, but the fact is that no matter how risky or unusual their advices sound, it works, and that’s all you need to know.
Simple Dollar
This blog conducted by Trent Hamm is a good discovery for everyone who is looking for some support and advice about his or her budget; all information here is presented in engaging and easily-understandable way. The Simple Dollar’s tips are based on personal experience of Trent, who had found the way out from tough financial times and in within eight months paid off all of his debts and established new fund for emergency; the distinctive feature of this website is presence of clear instructions.
This is also a personal blog about finances. MoneyNing covers in its post quite wide range of topics that include wise investing, earning ideas, saving tips, coupons and promo codes, and much more. This blog is neat-looking, easy to navigate, professional, useful and written with care about its readers, so I would recommend reading it to everyone.
20 Something Finance
This is one more blog that is focused on a success story. G E Miller is telling about different life-stories and his actions that allowed him to succeed in hard times, these stories include quite detailed financial guidelines that can be used by anyone who finds it useful.
The perfect reader of the 20 Something Finance is someone who has a dream to become financially independent and who has a string anti-consumption position in his life; for such people Miller’s stories will be very useful and I’m sure they will learn important lessons from here.
The last stop at my list is another personal financial blog that aims not only to help people, but also do it in engaging and entertaining way. In my opinion, Lenpenzo can be easily compared to Budgets Are Sexy, about which we talked earlier, it’s useful and funny.
Kelly J. Harris is a blogger and writer at the dissertation writing service, who had faced financial problems and decided to start working for herself. In this article she tells where to find support and inspiration to deal with your financial matters.