Creating a corporate identity for your organization is imperative. If your don’t have the proper means to present your product to the public, no matter how good it is, just don’t expect it to sell. A corporate identity is the manner in which your company approaches the client. It’s rather a built up combination of color, designs, words and schemes to create a visual statement for the firm. One of the key elements of corporate identity is the Company Logo.
If you have shopped for sneakers before, you might have noticed different symbols designed on the front or any of the sides of the shoe. Nike has a tick that start from the right while puma’s logo is a leaping panther. Adidas has several logos but most popularly a trefoil, three parallel lines and a pyramid of three bars.
Importance of Brand Logo
Product logos not only distinguish the identity of the product but have a far greater purpose than just telling where they belong to. A logo testifies the authenticity of anything that belongs to the company. When you receive a letter from the bank confirming you transaction or your monthly statement you will always see the emblem on the top of the letter. This assures the client that the letter and its content are genuine, not any scam or fraudulent information.
A company without a logo has no identity or distinction, therefore cannot compete with its peers in different marketing channels such as newsletters, TV advertisements, billboards, ecommerce and other forms of digital marketing. In the past decade the online platform has evolved into a marketing giant and without the necessary gear you cannot win its side. In order to get an ideal Logo design up and ready you can hire a professional web design company or use the following 10 Logo Design websites we have experienced and verified.
Integrated with the most highly responsive tools, LogoTypeMaker.com can easily turn your ideas into visual graphic. It features an easy to use interface with absolutely no jargons so even a child can use it. LogoTypeMaker offers several types of selections with a whole library of categories that you can choose from. A search box on the landing page allows the users to enter the company name and a wide variety of logos appear on the screen which they can edit.
When it comes to detailed customization and sturdy visual aesthetics, there is very few like GraphicsSprings.com. It allows you to comprehensively customize the logo and add your own tricks without involving any complicated steps. It also has a search feature in the image navigation bar where you can select the relevant category such as Abstract, Business & Consulting, Architectural, Computer, Educations and tons of more. If you want 100% bespoke you can also hire a dedicated designer from them.
Logopond has a collection of more than 100,000 logos compiled from amateurs and professional graphic designers from around the globe. You can search these logos through navigation filters categorized in Client Work, WIP, Unused, Student Work and For Fun. The site also features an interactive forum that helps the user to discuss about the project and ask from other experienced designers about the requirement of the logo.
Logogala is one of the sites that not only allows the client to acquire a suitable logo design, but also promotes designers to share their inspirational work from typography to 3D graphics. Since it’s free to use anyone can submit a design – after creating an account of course. You can use filters to narrow down searches, locate designer for your project and view featured and trending designs on the landing page.
It involves a few simple steps and the next thing you’ll see are dozens of logo designs for you to choose from. Just enter the name of your company and select the business type and you are free to view, edit and download logos in multiple formats. Image formats include PDF, JPEG, PNG and SVG. Logaster has other extensive features as well in case you need to design business cards, envelopes, newsletters and other stuff for your corporate identity.
Logo Lounge
With over 170,000 logos and brand designs, Logo Lounge has clearly outdone its competition by providing a huge variety of corporate level designs from around the world. You can view the portfolios of well known designers and search for images by entering keyword, designer’s name, industry and client. If also provides as a medium for talented artists to share their work with the rest of the world simply by creating an account and uploading their designs.
Online LogoMaker
Up and running at tops ranks since 2010, Online LogoMaker is website that provides in-depth knowledge on branding and logo design. It’s a helping source for many clients, designers and business owners where they can discuss and find solutions together. You can create modern, vintage and artistic designs of logos here with a bunch of helpful tools. Getting a high quality and unique design is crucial because at times a good design is all it takes to win the competition.
LogoYes is another free logo design website that offers designs from professionally developed designers to freelance amateurs. You can choose your logo from 20,000 entries and add uniqueness to it by making desired changes according to the preferences of your business. On the website LogoYes proudly claims its superiority by stating on the landing page that its logos will never lose any detail when enlarged or minimized, compatible with black and white for faxes and copies and absolutely distinct and unique.
Brands of the World
BrandsoftheWorld.com is not just a website but an entire community of brand artists from different parts of the world. It homes the world’s largest compilation of downloadable brand logos and showcases them on the landing page. While searching for logo images you can select from Vector Logo Library, Stick Logos and Stock Images for more filtered results. You can also subscribe for getting latest updates and Weekly BOTW Inspiration Newsletter by entering your email address on the top right field.
The Design Inspiration
Getting a bad logo designed for your business will leave you without a leg to stand on in the ecommerce industry. The Design Inspiration is dedicated to bring stirring inspirations into logo designs for everyone to see. Founded by a group of designers, thedesigninspiration.com introduces the profound logos, illustrations and other designing material for corporate identity that you can use.
It is to common knowledge that the visual memory of human beings is as powerful as it gets in all living organisms. It has the ability to retain visual information greater than our senses of reading and hearing. If this principle is applied to your business it can be recognized with generations to come securing customers and spreading the name and image to different parts of the world. Without a proper illustration of your corporate identity through logo, your business cannot present itself because a good design is the silent ambassador of your brand.
Asad Ali is a professional Internet Marketer with 7 years of experience in conversion optimization, design optimization and digital marketing. He is currently working for Go-Gulf Web Design Dubai– a premium web development company.