jQuery has came out to be the most popular JavaScript libraries written till date. John Resig released it in 2006 and it literally changed the face of front-end development. In the past few years, it has become the go to framework with JavaScript. However, most of the novice developers are unaware of the primary reasons behind its popularity. jQuery helped CSS developers to work along with it and unlike other frameworks, it kept them in the front seat. Another important differentiation is that you write unobtrusive code with jQuery and it is completely separated from the content. On top of everything else, jQuery keeps user experience at the top of the list making it an extraordinary development technique.
You may prefer to read some of Recommended JQuery Books , however this article focuses on the best free resources available online to quickly learn jQuery.
Tutorials For Beginners
If you are planning to learn jQuery, tutorials are the best way to start with. Internet is full of critical information that can help in understanding the basic concepts and techniques involved in jQuery. Experts create most of the tutorials and they follow a challenging approach. It will start with the fundamentals and includes a code challenge at the end of every tutorial. In short, you can practice what you’ve learned instantly.
A quick way to get started on jquery will be by referring to a tutorial for beginners. Some of these jquery tutorials demonstrate with really simple examples and take you slowly to complex application development. If you are just beginning to learn jQuery, our recommendation is to start with the tutorials in this section otherwise you can jump to the next section.
- Replace Content Using JQuery
- Fade In Effect Create a Fade in Effect using jQuery
- Skype Style Button
Create Skype Style Button using jQuery - Digg Style Sign Up Form Tutorial for Creating a Digg Style Sign Up Form using jQuery
- Google Maps Using Google Maps with jQuery
- Performance Rules
jQuery Performance Rules Tutorial - Tutorials For Designers jQuery Tutorials for Designers
- JQuery Tutorials By MKYong This website is popular for Java tutorials, however the jQuery tutorials for beginners are also worth a try.
Free Websites
Another important resource for learning jQuery includes free website providers. One can easily find free learning portals dedicated to jQuery. It starts with the beginner approach where one can learn the fundamentals and move ahead with advanced concepts. These websites offer sample code for every problem and code practice questions that can help in the implementation part. The readers can ask questions in the comment section and the experts timely answer the questions.
- Official: Learn JQuery The jQuery Official Learning Website
- W3Schools JQuery Tutorials jQuery tutorials by W3schools.
- TutorialZine jQuery Tutorials By TutorialZine.com
- Sitepoint jQuery Section (formerly JQuery4U) Blog about jQuery related tutorials, plugins and more.
- JQuery: Smashing Magazine jQuery tutorials on Smashing Magazine
- JQuery: TutsPlus jQuery tutorials on TutsPlus
JQuery RainA jQuery dedicated blog and plugin repository.Use JQueryShowcase of Sites and Resources for jQuery
Free Video Tutorials
It is well known that we learn efficiently by looking at the code and what could be better than some video tutorials. Video tutorials help understand the code as well as the action following every line of code. Video tutorials are available for both beginner as well as advanced level programmers and one can easily find some excellent tips within these tutorials. It gives the feeling of getting lectures personally and one can watch a single tutorial multiple times for better understanding.
- JQuery Tutorials By Thenewboston This youtube playlist by newboston has 200 videos starting from beginner to advance level of jQuery.
- Beginner JQuery Tutorials This youtube playlist containing 20+ videos for beginners on jQuery
- JQuery Tutorials By Derek Banas
- JavaScript & JQuery Tutorial For Beginners – Playlist JS and jQuery tutorials for beginners by tutor4u.
- Introduction To JQuery And AJAX Web Forms
- Image Slider Using JQuery This tutorial demonstrates how to make a image slider using jQuery
- Content Slider Using JQuery This tutorial demonstrates how to make a content slider using jQuery.
- JQuery Tutorial Playlist
- JQuery Beginners Tutorial Playlist
- Learn JQuery In 30 Days Learn jQuery in 30 Days (Free, email subscription required)
Free EBooks
Do you enjoy learning from eBooks? Internet is full of websites offering eBooks for learning. One can easily find eBooks that start with the basic concepts with code practice approach and solutions. Most of the eBooks often consider case studies of major websites and how jQuery has transformed their user experience. Learning with case studies can help in understanding the optimal usage techniques for new developers. Further, you can learn from diagrams and understand how you code will work online.
- JQFundamentals A guide to the basics of jQuery
- JQuery In Action Sample Chapters
- JQuery Succinctly : (Email Required) This is a simple guide for intermediate and advanced jQuery development.
Jquery : Benefits, Examples And Free Ebook
Best Free Web Forums To Ask Questions
It is always best to learn from the experience of others and that is exactly what web forums offer. You can look out for jQuery help forums and join a group that can offer advice in development. Start by introducing yourself to the group and then participate effectively in different discussions. Novice developers can ask questions on these forums and these questions tend to be answered quickly. On top of everything else, you get to discuss your problems and get suggestions from some of the best jQuery programmers.
- Official JQuery Forum This is official jQuery forum with many active users and experts who can answer your questions.
- Stackoverflow : Tagged JQuery Stackoverflow is my favorite place to browse and ask jQuery related questions. The FAQ section on it is a must see before you ask the question.
- JQuery Forum On Digital Point jQuery Specific Forum on Digital Point.
Codecademy JQuery ForumjQuery forum on Code Academy – a popular site to learn programming.
Best Free Cheatsheets
If you have already started with the development, Cheatsheets can prove to be crucial and allow you to continue development without being stuck anywhere. Cheatsheets offer some tricks and tips that can prove to be critical during development and might help you reuse your code effectively. The most difficult part in development is to optimal code and that is Cheatsheets are helpful.
When it comes to programming It does not matter how much experience you have, or how much you have used jQuery, trying to remember all of the jQuery functions is really difficult. We can always use a quick cheat sheet or reference to refresh our memory.
- JQuery API Official The API page for jQuery is my favorite place to search and cheat code.
- JQuery Cheatsheet
- DZone JQuery Refcard DZone jQuery Cheatsheet of Selectors
- Over API JQuery Page
- Jquery Selectors Handy One Pager for Selector
- JQuery Cheatsheet By Woorkup
- Rightjs Cheatsheet On JQuery
- JQuery CSS Cheatsheet
- JS Rosettastone One pager with code snippets for jQuery and YUI
- JQuery UI Icon Set Cheat Sheet
- JQuery UI Icon Names Cheat Sheet
- JQuery Cheat Sheet By Javascript Toolbox
- 10 Useful Code Snippets
- JQuery ++ One Page Doc for jQuery API
- JQuery Code Snippets In Snippetrepo
JQ Api Cheatsheet
Best Blogs To Follow
In the end, jQuery keeps changing with time and there are always some new techniques to look out for. It is difficult to come across these changes in the regular development process; however, jQuery blogs offer an excellent resource for understanding these techniques and their implementation in the practical world. You can learn different examples and even hacks for your development.
- Official JQuery Blog
- Official JQuery UI Blog
- Filament Group Lab Filament Group, the creators of jQuery UI ThemeRoller, various jQuery plugins & jQuery UI widgets have this blog.
- Learning JQuery Learning jQuery Book Site
- JQuery For Designers
- Bassistance: Jörn Zaefferer A Blog by jQuery developer who has created many popular jQuery plugins. This blog is about web applications and JavaScript
- Paul Bakaus A Blog by the creator of jQuery UI & some popular plugins. He often blogs about jQuery and jQueryUI related topics.
- James Padolsey Blog A blog by jquery developer
- Janko At Warp Speed A blog by User Experience designer.
JQuery Plugins Related Resources
Once you learn jQuery you will also want to use more and more plugins. There are many plugins available that can be used in your project without much effort. I prefer using popular plugins instead of writing my own code since it has been used and tested by many people already. Below are some resources you can use in case you want to create or use a plugin.
- Official JQuery Tutorials Official tutorials on how to create your own jQuery plugin.
- JQuery Plugins A site dedicated to plugins of jQuery
- Official JQuery Registry For Plugins Registry of thousands of jQuery plugins. May be helpful to search for specific need plugins.
- Repository Of JQuery Plugins
JQuery Navigation Tutorials
jQuery has changed the way HTML page navigations are designed. It has powerful libraries and simple techniques to design really beautiful looking website navigation. These tutorials are some of the demonstration of how you can do it.
- Fancy Apple-Style Icon Slide Out Navigation Css And Jquery Tutorial: Fancy Apple-Style Icon Slide Out Navigation
- OS X Style Navigation OS X Style Navigation using jQuery
- Sequential List Sequential List using jQuery
- Opera Mobile Window Chooser Opera mobile window chooser, recreated with jQuery
- Microsoft Office Minibar Tutorial about how to create Microsoft Office Minibar with jQuery and CSS3
- Beautiful Dropdown Menu Create A Beautiful Dropdown Menu with jQuery
- Better Select Elements Making Better Select Elements with jQuery and CSS3
- Apple Style Splash Screen How to Create Apple Style Splash Screen using jQuery
- Overlay Effect Menu Overlay Effect Menu With Jquery
- Advanced Docking Advanced Docking using jQuery
- Background Image Animations Background Image Animations using jQuery
- Fading Menu jQuery fading Menu replacing content
- Multilevel Dropdown Menu Create A Multilevel Dropdown Menu With Css And Improve It Via Jquery
Jquery Validation Tutorial
jQuery has revolutionized the way HTML forms are validated. The annoying error message are things of past. Now you can provide really interactive feedback to the user as the form is being filled. Below are some of the tutorials specific to jQeury validation.
- JQuery Form Validation Without Plugin There are many validation plugins for jQuery, however if you prefer to write your own validation you can checkout this tutorial for doing form validation in your own style.
- JQuery Validation Plugin Documentation This is a popular jQuery validation plugin that you can easily integrate with your exsiting jQuery code.You may also want to see An Example Of Using JQuery Validation Plugin.
- Validate Bank Account Form Using JQuery Plugin JQuery.bank This is a special plugin that focuses on form validation on a financial transaction related data.
Jquery Ajax Tutorials
AJAX is powerful technique to do things asynchronously on a web page with minimal user wait time. jQuery makes AJAX interactions really easy and provides inbuilt features for handling it well. Some of these tutorials will help you on how you can utilize the power of AJAX with jQuery.
jQuery Slider Tutorials
Making a impressive Image slider on a HTML page can be easily done using jQuery animations. Below are some tutorials for making sliders using jQuery
- Colorful JQuery Sliders With CSS3
- Create A Gallery Using Z-index And JQuery
- Apple Style Slideshow Gallery Using JQuery
- Create An Attractive Before And After Photo Effect With JQuery
- Portfolio Zoom Slider Tutorial
- Thumbnails Preview Slider With Jquery
- Thumbnails Preview Gallery
- Animated Form Switching With Jquery
- Parallax Slider With JQuery
- Create Notebooks Style Slider In JQuery
- Create Image Gallery Using JQuery
- Photo Slider Tutorial For JQuery
- Animate Panning Slideshow With JQuery
- JQuery Photo Slide Show With Slick Caption Tutorial Revisited
JQuery Animation Tutorials
A lot of useful animations can be performed using jQuery. Below are some tutorials that can demonstrate the power of these features.
- Easy Display Switch With CSS And JQuery
- How To Create A Better JQuery CSS Stylesheet Switcher
- Virtual Tour Using JQuery
- Image Rotator With CSS And JQuery
Animated Drop Down Menu With JQueryTurn Any Webform Into A Powerful Wizard With JQueryFade Colors Using JQueryNice Clean Sliding Login Panel Built With JQuery
Other Useful JQuery Tutorials
Below are some more noteworthy tutorials you may like.
- Build A Chat Feature With JQuery And PHP
- Beautiful Tags Cloud On Over The World With Facelift And JQuery
- Creating A Online Keyboard With JQuery
JQuery is among one of the most famous libraries that have ever been written in JavaScript and it is always helpful to keep in touch with it. It is important to keep yourself updated about the recent development of the field and learn these tactics in a timely manner. After all, an updated programmer can code effectively and achieve optimal results.
Article Updates
- Updated on June 2019: Updated broken links, and HTTPS links.
Some very useful resources here, certainly help me with some future projects. Thanks!