
5 Open Source Database Change Management Tools

3 Mins read
Database change management tools are of great help to developers and database administrators. These tools increase the efficiency of their work. Earlier database administrators used command lines to delete, create and edit databases. However now with the introduction of Database Change Management tools, the work load of the DBA’s has reduced considerably.

Below are given different types of open source database change management tools which are of great help to the DBA’s:

  2. Liquibase is an open source (Apache 2.0 Licensed), database-independent library for tracking, managing and applying database changes. LIQUIBASE is used by developers in locating and making amendments in the database. The track of all these changes are maintained in an XML file (database changelog file) which serves to overview the list of changes made. It is compatible with any database which java can easily connect to.

    Key Features

    • Efficiently manage multiple databases
    • Extensible to make changes
    • Able to keep a track record of database changes
    • Execution can take place through Maven, command line, Ant etc.

    Download is available at

  3. DBDeploy
  4. Designed by a team of professionals at “Thoughworks”, this database change management tool is basically used by developers to manage and enhance their database designs. It is much more useful for those who refactor their database more often. Dbdeploy has employed java for its code construction and unifies with Sybase and Hypersonic SQL databases, Apache Ant build tool supporting Oracle.

    Key Features

    • Simple to use
    • Works well with Ant

    Download is available at

  5. Ruckusing
  6. This database tool is a frame of reference written in PHP5. Its use is to create and manage “database migrations”. These “database migrations” are files that define the present status of a database like its indexes, columns etc. The salient feature of this database is that multiple users can simultaneously work on the same application. In case of a crash by an individual the other users shall not be disrupted. The idea of the framework was influenced from the migration system built into Ruby on Rails. Any one who is familiar with Migrations in RoR will be able to use this quickly

    Key Features

    • Portability: The migration files are initially written in PHP5 which are further translated to appropriate SQL during runtime. Thus providing an option of supporting any RDBMS with a single migration file.
    • The ability to move (up and down) to particular migration state

    Download is available at

  7. DBSource Tools
  8. This database management tool is in there in form of a GUI service. Its use is to bring SQL server database under source control.

    Key Features

    • Can be used to compare schemas
    • Strong database scripter

    Download is available at

  9. Nextep Open Designer
  10. This IDE is used as a remedial measure for the deployment and development of the database as well as automating you test processes and your deployment. This software is available for free and its installation has many advantages. NeXtep Open Designer uses a centralized version control repository to track any change you make on your database model, source code (PL/SQL, T-SQL, etc.) and reference data. This repository is a simple database schema that can be automatically deployed to any supported database.

    Key Features

    • Ease of merging database during development
    • Helps in integrating deployment processes

    Download is available at

Tasks like maintaining and updating the relational databases are done by these tools very quickly and efficiently. These tools also help in maintaining the complex projects thus making the task easier for developers. Thus if you wish to increase your efficiency then these Database Management Tools are highly recommended.

Hope you found this list useful! What are the tools you have used for database management? Please don’t forget to share with us in comments.

Article Updates

  • Article Updated on September 2021. Some HTTP links are updated to HTTPS. Updated broken links with latest URLs. Some minor text updates done. Content validated and updated for relevance in 2021.

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