Looking for html5 frameworks? Here are the best html5 presentation framework for you create awesome websites. These frameworks are also popular to design highly responsive websites. Pick a html5 responsive framework and easily design a highly responsive website.
With more and more Internet-enabled devices appearing every day, it’s harder than ever for front-end developers to make websites look good on all devices. Forget about doing everything manually – those times are long gone; nowadays, using the right front-end development framework is what makes or breaks a website.
If you’re a front-end developer, and you’re not sure what that right framework is, check out these top 5 front-end development frameworks, and pick the one that appeals to you the most.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, chances are you’ve heard of Bootstrap, as it is one of the most widely used frameworks these days. Bootstrap is quite potent out of the box, containing pretty much everything you need to create the ultimate user interface. Using the Less CSS pre-processor, Bootstrap offers plenty of customization options without sacrificing performance. Bootstrap is divided into four primary parts:
- Base CSS – a comprehensive library of HTML elements;
- Scaffolding – a collection of global styles, grids and layouts;
- Components – a collection of components, including buttons, navigation controls, media elements, etc.;
- JavaScript – a collection of jQuery plugins intended to be used with the previously-mentioned components, as well as other dynamic elements.
There are dedicated Bootstrap variations for certain platforms, such as Fbootstrapp, which is adjusted for Facebook’s iframe model, or BootMetro, optimized for the Windows Metro interface.

Foundation is a good foundation for your website. Yes, the pun is intentional, but that doesn’t make Foundation a joke; in fact, it’s also one of the most powerful frond-end development frameworks to work with. In fact, mammoth sites such as Facebook, eBay, Mozilla or Yahoo! Use it, so that should be a pretty good indicator of its power.
Foundation is designed with responsiveness in mind, and comes with a 12-column nest-able grid design that should give you plenty of freedom in setting up a site just the way you need it. It comes with numerous styles for buttons, menus, typography and various other elements, an impressive collection of CSS elements and a multitude of JavaScript plugins. If that’s not enough, you can always expand its functionality with add-ons such as Stencils, Icon Fonts, Responsive Tables and many more.
Semantic UI

Semantic UI is a framework that uses an innovative approach –using natural language principles to make everything more intuitive and human-friendly. This may sound a bit scary at first, but once you give it a try, you’ll love it. Semantic UI uses five main descriptive categories for graphical elements:
- UI Elements – the basic category, attributed to base elements such as buttons;
- UI Collections –this category is used to work with a group of elements that are interdependent;
- UI View – this category is used on portions of the website, such as a comment section or a feed;
- UI Module – this category is used for more complex elements that integrate JavaScript-dependent functionality;
- UI Behavior – this category is used to add certain functionalities to other categories, such as elements or collections.
Getting used to Semantic UI will imply a learning curve, but once you get a hang of things, working with this framework will be fun and productive. Semantic UI is fully responsive, and can be upgraded with various add-ons and plugins.
HTML5 Boilerplate

HTML5 Boilerplate is one of the first HTML5-oriented front-end development frameworks out there, and as its name suggests, it is geared towards HTML5 websites. Dubbed as “the web’s most popular front-end template”, HTML5 Boilerplate is used by a lot of big names in the industry: NASA, Google, Microsoft, and others.
HTML5 Boilerplate is not just a front-end framework, but a combination of tools and solutions intended to help developers get a website up and running as fast as possible. On the UI side, it comes with mobile-friendly HTML templates, themes, CSS controls and other features you will find useful.
HTML KickStart

Unlike HTML5 Boilerplate, which is a multi-purpose framework, HTML KickStart is oriented towards front-end development only. It does just one job, but it does it good. Being powered by HTML5, CSS and jQuery, HTML KickStart can be used to create any type of layout. It comes with plenty of elements out of the box, with additional themes and other resources being available on the Internet. HTML KickStart also benefits from great community support, so make sure you give it a try.