Python Programming Cheatsheet
Essential Python commands and concepts for programmers of all levels
Category | Command/Concept | Description | Example | Level | |
Variables | Variable Assignment | Assign a value to a variable | x = 10 |
Beginner | |
Data Types | Strings | Text data enclosed in quotes | name = "Python" |
Beginner | |
Data Types | Integers | Whole numbers without decimal points | age = 25 |
Beginner | |
Data Types | Floats | Numbers with decimal points | price = 19.99 |
Beginner | |
Data Types | Booleans | True or False values | is_active = True |
Beginner | |
Operators | Arithmetic | Basic math operations | x + y, x - y, x * y, x / y |
Beginner | |
Control Flow | if-else | Conditional execution | if x > 10: |
Beginner | |
Loops | for loop | Iterate over a sequence | for i in range(5): |
Beginner | |
Functions | Function Definition | Create reusable code blocks | def greet(name): |
Intermediate | |
Data Structures | Lists | Ordered, mutable collections | fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] |
Intermediate | |
Data Structures | Dictionaries | Key-value pairs | person = {"name": "John", "age": 30} |
Intermediate | |
Data Structures | Tuples | Ordered, immutable collections | point = (10, 20) |
Intermediate | |
Data Structures | Sets | Unordered collections of unique items | unique_numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4} |
Intermediate | |
String Methods | String Manipulation | Various string operations | text.upper(), text.lower(), text.split() |
Intermediate | |
File I/O | Reading Files | Read data from files | with open("file.txt", "r") as f: |
Intermediate | |
File I/O | Writing Files | Write data to files | with open("file.txt", "w") as f: |
Intermediate | |
OOP | Classes | Define custom objects | class Person: |
Advanced | |
OOP | Inheritance | Create class hierarchies | class Student(Person): |
Advanced | |
Error Handling | try-except | Handle exceptions | try: |
Advanced | |
Modules | Importing | Use external modules | import math |
Advanced | |
List Comprehensions | Concise List Creation | Create lists using a compact syntax | squares = [x**2 for x in range(10)] |
Advanced | |
Decorators | Function Decorators | Modify function behavior | @timeit |
Expert | |
Generators | Yield Statement | Create iterators efficiently | def fibonacci(): |
Expert | |
Context Managers | with Statement | Manage resources efficiently | with open("file.txt") as f, lock: | ||
Multithreading | Threads | Execute code concurrently | import threading |
Expert | |
Metaclasses | Custom Metaclasses | Control class creation | class Meta(type): |
Expert |