10 Best Free Shopping Cart Software For Ecommerce Website
3 Mins read
To design and promote a new e-commerce website, you require deploying efficacious marketing, SEO tools and most importantly, an efficient shopping cart…
5 Best Java Books To Learn Programming
3 Mins read
Looking for the best java books? We have shortlisted some of the highly recommended Java books for beginners and senior experienced programmers….
How To Change Company Logo Liferay Portal 6.x
1 Mins read
Liferay bundle (Tomcat) comes with a default company logo for liferay.com. In this post I am going to cover 2 ways to…
7 Best Web Design Books For Web Developers
3 Mins read
Are you a web developer and designer? Take a look at the following books which I found really valuable in developing &…
c3p0 - A PooledConnection that has already signalled a Connection error is still in use
9 Mins read
How to Debug connection leaks in c3p0 We saw below exception stack-trace which was randomly appearing on our Glassfish application server logs….
How to install Liferay 6.x on Glassfish v2 Clustered Environment
4 Mins read
We recently started experimenting with Liferay 6.0.5 in Linux machine based Glassfish v2 clustered environment. The Bundled version of Liferay comes with…
12 Java JDBC Interview Questions & Answers for Developers - Java Database Connectivity
10 Mins read
Java Database Connectivity API contains commonly asked Java interview questions. A good understanding of JDBC API is required to understand and leverage…
5 Best Software Architecture Books One Must Read
3 Mins read
Are you looking for the best software are architecture books? Take a look at the following books which I found really valuable in…