Micro frontends: how they work and who can use them

Micro frontend architecture is revolutionizing the world of web development. This approach makes building web applications flexible and scalable, addressing the complexity of modern web applications and the need for rapid updates. As a result, micro frontends are becoming popular among enterprises.

What are micro frontends

Micro frontends refer to an architectural style in web development where an application is divided into small modules. These units are developed and updated independently of each other. The goal of this approach is to improve the product delivery process and the efficiency of teams involved in user interface development.

Each micro frontend can have its own code, set of dependencies, automated tests, and delivery scheme. Typically, each micro frontend is managed by a separate development team, enabling independent work, testing, and release of updates. This makes development within the context of micro frontend architecture significantly more flexible and efficient.

The idea of such an architectural solution has been used by developers for a long time. This direction is chosen to take advantage of modularity, deployment independence, and scalability when creating user interfaces.

Microservices vs. micro frontends: what’s the difference?

Microservices and micro frontends are like two brothers but in different worlds: microservices operate on the server, while micro frontends operate on the client side, in the browser. Microservices break down a large application into small parts that are easy to manage and update. Micro frontends do the same but for the appearance of the site, dividing it into independent blocks. Both approaches help teams independently develop and update different parts of the application, but ultimately, the user sees a unified whole.

How micro frontends work

To better understand micro frontends, imagine that instead of one large set of building blocks, you have many small ones. Each of these can be assembled separately and then constructed into something larger.

Previously, when websites were simpler, code, images, text – everything was in one place. This was called monolithic architecture. But as websites became more complex, everything changed. It became difficult to modify or add something because all elements depended on each other. Therefore, developers started dividing websites into parts, like microservices for the server-side, where each part is a separate service that can be changed or updated.

They decided to apply the same approach to what we see on websites, namely the interface. As a result, micro frontends appeared – small parts of the interface that can be developed, tested, and launched independently of other parts. If a website is a puzzle, then each micro frontend is a separate piece of the puzzle.

Advantages of micro frontends

Such an approach has multiple benefits; let’s take a closer look at them.

Rapid deployment and better release management

Unlike a single large application, micro frontends allow multiple small teams to develop and launch new features independently. This means that different parts of the application can be worked on simultaneously, speeding up the development process.

Flexibility in teamwork

Each team handles its own segment of the interface and can update it without waiting for others. In monolithic systems, if one team is ready for release but another is not, the first team has to wait. Micro frontends eliminate such waiting periods.

Technology choice

Teams can choose a technology stack for each micro frontend at their discretion. This provides freedom in selecting tools and approaches most suitable for the task.


Individual parts of the application can be scaled independently. This makes the process more flexible and economical compared to scaling the entire monolith.

Continuous updating

Micro frontends simplify the process of updating and rolling back changes for individual parts of the application without risking the functionality of the entire site. This also contributes to more efficient team work and project management.

Who benefits from micro frontends?

Micro frontends are beneficial not only to developers but also to various specialists within an organization, especially financial and technical directors, marketers, and product managers. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits for each of them.

For financial directors

For marketers

For product managers

For technical directors

Thus, micro frontends offer unique advantages for various roles within an organization, from cost optimization to accelerating innovation.

Who uses micro frontends

Micro frontends are becoming increasingly popular among a wide range of enterprises. Among the companies actively implementing this technology are well-known names such as:

And many others. While the methods of implementing micro frontends in these organizations may differ, their primary goals are largely similar. Why not have your company join this list?

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