Mastering Time: 10 Powerful Time Series Databases for Real-Time Analytics

As data collection and analysis continue to become an increasingly critical aspect of business operations, time series databases have emerged as an important tool for organizations to efficiently store, analyze, and derive insights from time-stamped data. Time series databases are designed to handle large volumes of time-stamped data and provide real-time analytics and insights that are critical to many industries, such as finance, healthcare, and IoT. In this article, we will explore 10 popular time series databases that are widely used by organizations today, including their key features and use cases. By the end of this article, readers will have a better understanding of the different options available for managing time-stamped data and making informed decisions based on real-time insights.


InfluxDB is an open-source time series database that is designed to handle large volumes of time-stamped data. It was developed by InfluxData and is used by organizations for monitoring, analytics, and IoT applications. InfluxDB uses a SQL-like query language called InfluxQL, which allows users to query and analyze time series data. It also provides a variety of integrations and plugins with popular data sources and visualization tools, such as Grafana.

Some key features of InfluxDB include:


TimescaleDB is an open-source time series database that is built on top of PostgreSQL, which is a popular relational database management system. It is designed to handle high volumes of time series data while still providing SQL functionality and strong data integrity guarantees. TimescaleDB provides a number of advanced features, such as:

Overall, TimescaleDB is a good option for organizations that require both time series data management and relational database functionality. It can be used for a variety of applications, such as monitoring, IoT, and financial analytics.


Prometheus is an open-source monitoring system and time series database that was originally developed by SoundCloud. It is designed to collect and process time series data from a variety of sources, including servers, applications, and network devices. Prometheus provides a powerful query language called PromQL, which allows users to perform complex queries and aggregations on their data.

Some key features of Prometheus include:

Prometheus is widely used by DevOps teams for monitoring and alerting purposes, but it can also be used for other applications that require time series data collection and analysis.


Graphite is an open-source time series database and visualization platform that was originally developed by Orbitz. It is designed to handle high volumes of time series data and provide users with real-time visibility into their data. Graphite uses a simple text-based data format, which makes it easy to integrate with a variety of data sources.

Some key features of Graphite include:

Graphite is widely used by DevOps teams and IT professionals for monitoring and visualization purposes, but it can also be used for other applications that require time series data storage and analysis.


OpenTSDB is an open-source time series database that is built on top of Apache HBase, which is a distributed NoSQL database. It is designed to handle large volumes of time series data and provide users with real-time access to their data. OpenTSDB provides a simple REST API that allows users to query and manipulate their data.

Some key features of OpenTSDB include:

OpenTSDB is widely used by organizations for monitoring, analytics, and IoT applications.


Kdb+ is a commercial time series database that is widely used in the finance industry for high-frequency trading and other real-time applications. It is developed by Kx Systems and is designed to handle large volumes of time-stamped data with low latency. Kdb+ uses a columnar data model, which allows for efficient data storage and retrieval.

Some key features of Kdb+ include:

Kdb+ is widely used by financial institutions and other organizations that require high-speed data processing and analysis. It can be used for a variety of applications, such as risk management, algorithmic trading, and fraud detection.

Azure Time Series Insights

Azure Time Series Insights is a cloud-based time series database and analytics platform that is offered by Microsoft Azure. It is designed to handle large volumes of time-stamped data and provide users with real-time insights into their data. Azure Time Series Insights provides a variety of data visualization tools and integrations with other Azure services, such as Azure IoT Hub.

Some key features of Azure Time Series Insights include:

Azure Time Series Insights is a good option for organizations that require a cloud-based time series database and analytics platform for their IoT or other real-time applications.


Druid is an open-source column-oriented time series database and analytics platform that is designed to handle large volumes of real-time data. It was developed by Metamarkets and is widely used for real-time analytics and monitoring applications. Druid provides a SQL-like query language called Druid SQL, which allows users to perform complex queries and aggregations on their data.

Some key features of Druid include:

Druid is widely used by organizations for real-time analytics and monitoring applications, such as ad tech, IoT, and network monitoring.

Amazon Timestream

Amazon Timestream is a fully-managed time series database service that is built to handle trillions of time-stamped events per day. It is designed to store and analyze time series data in real-time and provides a SQL-like query language for querying and aggregating data. Timestream is fully managed by AWS, which means that users do not need to worry about infrastructure management or scaling. Key features of Timestream include:

Timestream is a popular choice for organizations that are already using AWS services, particularly those that need to handle high volumes of time series data, such as IoT and telemetry data.


CrateDB is an open-source distributed SQL database that is designed to handle high volumes of time series data. It uses a shared-nothing architecture that allows it to scale horizontally across multiple nodes, making it ideal for distributed deployments. CrateDB provides a SQL-like query language that supports time-series specific functions and can handle both relational and time-series data. Key features of CrateDB include:

CrateDB is used by organizations for a variety of time-series applications, including IoT data processing, log analytics, and financial time-series analysis. Its open-source nature also makes it a popular choice for organizations looking for a cost-effective time series database solution.

In conclusion, time series databases have become an essential tool for organizations that need to handle large volumes of time-stamped data and derive insights in real-time. The 10 time series databases we have explored in this article, including InfluxDB, TimescaleDB, Azure Time Series Insights, and Druid, offer different features and capabilities to meet the diverse needs of businesses across industries. By leveraging the power of these time series databases, organizations can streamline their data storage and analysis processes, optimize their operations, and make data-driven decisions in real-time. As the demand for real-time analytics and insights continues to grow, time series databases will undoubtedly play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of data-driven business.

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