The Definitive Guide to Setting up a WooCommerce Store

The Definitive Guide to Setting up a WooCommerce Store

Setting up a WooCommerce store can be quite challenging for those who have never done so before. There are a number of elements that you need to consider and get right for the store to be functional and successful. But, luckily, it is a highly popular platform that can help you catapult your brand into a successful and profitable empire. There are over 4 million active stores on WooCommerce, making it one of the most popular eCommerce platforms.

So, how do you get it kicked off? What do you need to get right from the outset to make sure that you start turning a profit soon into the process of managing and running your WooCommerce store? We took a look at what you need to do to get started and unpacked some great tools and tips to really make it a success.

Get the Right Tools, Platforms, and Plugins From the Outset

WooCommerce itself is a plugin for you to use within your WordPress site. It simplifies the process of starting an online store for your brand and provides you with all the necessities to make it functional really efficiently. But, you will also want to get several other platforms and tools to complement 

Woo Commerce plugin.

Look at the WooCommerce inventory management platform as an addition to your site. This kind of platform streamlines your workflow and allows for seamless logistic management. It can connect your shopping cart and marketplace accounts to your warehouse and logistics tools. It automatically loads new orders and will provide you with tracking information and inventory levels for ease of use.

WordPress provides you with various other incredibly useful tools and plugins. Form management, chatbots, or SEO tools, you simply need to search for what you are looking for, or even research the most popular plugins that you shouldn’t miss. There are hundreds to choose from and many of them will be able to automate your processes in order to ease the flow of work.

Focus on SEO-Based Content

The next thing you want to look at is making sure your site and store actually get found by customers. SEO is going to be the best way you can do this. Not only do you want to focus on your website’s content and on your product descriptions, but on your marketing campaigns too.

Let’s look at your store first. We mentioned previously about SEO tools for your WooCommerce store. Yoast is a great plug-in for you to use and comes free for every WordPress site. You are able to update all of the content on the site and highlight where keywords need to be strategically placed on the store.

Content on marketing campaigns, emails, paid ads and social media channels will also need an SEO touch. Keywords need to appear in all of your marketing campaigns in order to organically show up when your potential customers are browsing the relevant channels. It is important, however, to know that your marketing campaigns will need to have more current and trending keywords, so keep doing that keyword research to make sure you are ranking for current events and trends.

From the outset, make sure you know what keywords are vital, and make sure you disperse them evenly among your pages and marketing.

Set Up the Critical Elements of Your Store

You will need various things to be present in the store for it to be functional and viable. You will need product pages, payments, shipping, and engagement tools to communicate with your customers. So, let’s take a look.

Putting together product pages is easy with WooCommerce, you simply need to select the relevant product page, add a new product and fill out highly convertible product titles and descriptions. Don’t forget your keywords in the descriptions, as you will want them to organically pop up when someone is searching for the product.

WooCommerce also makes adding payment and shipping options easy for the rookie entrepreneur. Simply follow the guides and make sure you provide your customer with various options for each. Remember, each customer is different and has different needs and resources. So, while some might want to pay with PayPal, for example, others would rather pay by card and want next-day delivery. Make sure you have these options open for them.


The Bottom Line

Try and test as much as you can. You never know what will work for you and won’t until you have evidence-based data. Keep doing your research and keeping abreast of the latest trends. You will want the content to go out constantly from your site. So, keep up with those marketing campaigns and watch what your competitors are doing to know what your customer might be interested in.

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