7 Ways To Improve Your Websites Homepage

7 Ways To Improve Your Websites Homepage

Can your visitors tell what your business does within five seconds of clicking on your website? Could people quickly browse the blog if necessary? Is your price page layout simple to understand? Is your website’s bounce rate low? If you find yourself saying ‘no’ to these questions, it’s time to reconsider how you’ve been creating and optimizing your website.

User experience and functionality, as well as the suitability of the content, are critical to the viability of a website. Even an experienced website designer might easily overlook these upgrades, believing that they are at the bottom of the totem pole of website priority. A successful website, on the other hand, has both high-performing content and an amazing user experience, ensuring that your design goes above and beyond.

The last thing you want is to spend time creating incredible content for your blog or service pages only to have them go unrecognized due to design errors, navigation challenges, unclear layouts, or lost conversion possibilities. However, the umbrella of website user experience encompasses much, and it might be difficult to grasp everything while determining the most critical items to address.

So, what do you need to know to get started with web design? To address that, here are seven website suggestions to guarantee you’re on the right track with your makeover and aren’t pushing people away.

Spring Cleaning Is Not Just For Spring

Examine your website and delete any features that may be impeding its performance. For example, eliminate any sophisticated animations that may be slowing down your load speeds, as well as any low-quality stock photos, and make sure your site’s content isn’t too lengthy. Most visitors will not have the patience to read through pages of content.

This implies that you may want to use bullets, headings, or even graphics to break up lengthier chunks of content. To avoid being tagged for copying someone’s content, run your content via a professional plagiarism checker tool. This type of software can help you detect instances of plagiarism in your copy, so you can be sure your content is unique.

Include Social Sharing Buttons

Add social share buttons to all of your material to make it simple for your visitors to share the content they enjoy on the social media site of their choosing. This removes the need for users to copy and paste the link to your article into their social media page.

Instead, with the touch of a button, people may quickly share. It not only makes sharing easy for them, but it also increases the visibility of your content, bringing in additional visitors and perhaps more leads.

Include Calls To Action

Your readers won’t know what you want them to do if you don’t include calls to action. Not only should you include calls-to-action buttons on every page, but you should also spend some time determining precisely what you want your readers to do and how it relates to the page they are on. Your calls to action should provide readers with an incentive, such as documents that will help them address their problems.

Make Sure The Navigation Is Simple

Visitors will not spend much time on your website if it is difficult for them to navigate it and locate what they are searching for. Make sure the navigation bar is towards the top of the page and easy to find. Include links to your website’s homepage, blog, online shop, about page, and contact page. To make things even more user-friendly, provide a search bar as well as a sitemap.

Make Your Company’s Website Mobile-friendly

Check that your website loads, functions, and displays correctly on mobile devices. If it does not, you will not only harm your mobile SEO, but you will also lose a significant chunk of your audience, who will most likely be accessing your site on a smartphone or tablet.

Establish A Search Engine Optimization Plan

In order to generate content that is relevant to your target audience, you need to develop an SEO strategy that takes into consideration your buyer persona. To increase the number of people who see your website, you should optimize its content with the help of the search terms that people in your audience are likely to use.

Find Broken URLs And Fix Them

You may discover broken links and mysterious 404s with the assistance of a number of different tools that are now available. Fixing them will not only improve your search results but will also prevent you from losing visitors to your website.

Final Thoughts

You have a plethora of options for improving website design at your disposal. You should consider most of them if you haven’t previously done so. The seven website design suggestions presented in this post are the ones that we believe are the most effective methods for enhancing your website homepage.

Begin adopting some of these immediately, and you will see a significant improvement in visitor traffic and behavior.

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