Does Your Small Business Need a Server?

Does Your Small Business Need a Server?

As you are well aware, technology has made businesses across all industries more efficient. At the same time, when running a smaller company, you may take a more careful look at what tech you do and don’t need. Due to this, you are probably considering whether your small business actually requires a server.

The short answer to this question is yes, but you are going to require a more comprehensive explanation. To really understand just how useful such a piece of tech can be, consider the benefits laid out below:


You Can Provide Clients with Transparency

You will have noticed that company transparency is becoming increasingly important with your clients. This is because most people fear how their data is being used. Adding to that, an increase in security breaches means that many people want all their details safeguarded as safely as possible.

Well, this is where your own personal server comes in handy. The HPE Proliant DL380 GEN10 server specifications, for instance, prove that all the data stored by your company is directly under your control. This means that you, or your clients, don’t have to worry about big corporations using their data for their own purposes. Instead, this data is kept under lock and key prompting more faith in your business.


You Get Better Security

Think about how you traditionally store information for your company. If you are still using cloud computing, it means that you are relying on a public network to transfer sensitive details. Needless to say, this means that this data is vulnerable.

With your own server, though, this isn’t an issue. This is because, with an on-site server, everything is being kept in-house. As a result, limited people have access and there are also fewer vulnerabilities for third-party individuals to exploit.


You Can Grow Your Business

It doesn’t matter what the current size of your business is, you obviously have dreams to grow and expand. Well, having your own server will allow you to do just that. As you grow your business, you are hiring more people and connecting more devices to your network.

As a result, you will be able to keep all your main resources in a single system. In turn, this allows the necessary employees the ability to access them when needed. What’s more, such a unified setup also allows you to keep all devices on the platform updated. This means that every aspect of your business will continue to run smoothly even as it grows.


You Can Save Money

Last, but certainly not least, this option lets you save money. As your company begins to do more and more business, it means that it will have to scale up the cloud features. Now, if you have looked into this cost, you are well aware that this is phenomenal. With your own server, though, you only have to worry about the initial costs of implementation and maintenance.

These are the reasons that you should consider investing in your own server. It may seem like a daunting decision, but it is one that will pay off in leaps and bounds.

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