Pros and Cons of Building Your Website with WordPress

Pros and Cons of Building Your Website with WordPress

WordPress remains to be the leading website builder used in Australia and all over the world.

Since it is a free platform, most mass media administrators, bloggers, and online entrepreneurs use WordPress to build their websites.

Initially, this platform was developed to create blogs. But recently, it has been advanced to be a Content Management System for websites.

Nonetheless, many bloggers are still using WordPress to create and improve their sites.

If you are looking forward to creating a new website, it is wise to weigh the advantages and drawbacks of using any CMS platform. This will help you make an informed decision on the perfect choice for your site.

So, in this article, we will look into the pros and cons of using WordPress to build your website. Here we go:


It is Cheaper

It is quite economical to create and maintain a website using WordPress than having your website designed by software system designers. 

With WordPress, you won’t incur any set-up costs since it is a free platform. You can install it on your server freely whenever you want.

Besides, this CMS platform allows you to take full control of your website. Once you own a website, you can be able to control all your data and customize it at your pace.

Has a Variety of Themes and Plugins

WordPress gives you a wide range of quality themes that you can use to advance the design of your site.

These themes are available at a very friendly cost. You can even get a specialized theme with as little as $20.

There are more than 55, 000 plugins in WordPress to help you improve functionalities in your site. Some come at zero cost and others are paid.

Mobile – Friendly

Most people use their mobile phones to browse, research about products, and even shop online. With this mind, WordPress developers ensure that websites are accessible to phone users.

Thus, themes and designs on WordPress sites are very responsive to mobile phones.

SEO – Ready

Speaking of optimization, WordPress sites are the best.

WordPress has a variety of plugins that are simple and easy to use. This helps you to know what phrases or words are top to ensure that more people find your content.

User – Friendly

It’s very easy to operate WordPress sites with less technical skills. You just need the basic skills to edit pages and update your site with ease.

Some many informational sites and mediums document best practices regularly. Therefore, you won’t have problems while developing your website as you have all the information you need.

Most Suitable for eCommerce Sites

WordPress is great for building business sites since it attracts more traffic.

In modern days, many people are searching and buying things online. This has led to rapid growth in online marketing as well as the amplification of internet use.

Hence, entrepreneurs and company owners have no choice but to build business websites for advertisements to attract more clients.


The following are the downsides of WordPress that you should know before using it to build your website;

Security Issues
Website owners are left with the responsibility of their site’s development and security.

WordPress platform is openly accessible to the public, and this means that WordPress sites are susceptible to tech gurus and hackers.

If you want to alleviate this risk, the best WordPress developer in Sydney helps you to learn how to secure your site.

You Must Update Your Site Regularly

WordPress is continuously trying to make improvements to its structure. Therefore, frequent updates occur in WordPress sites.

These updates could sometimes interfere with the site’s performance.

To mitigate this, we advise WordPress site owners to save a site back up before updating.

Customization Can be Expensive

Despite being a free platform, the efficiency of WordPress sites relies on customization themes and plugins. In most cases, these features come with a price, and failure to use them may hinder the functionality of your site.

If you want to build an effective business website or whatsoever, consult with WordPress experts to ensure that you get the most out of it.

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