How to Attract More Visitors to Your Website

How to Attract More Visitors to Your Website

Every website owner wants their website to be popular. Websites that have a good ranking in search engines have heaps of visitors. To gain more traffic websites go for Search Engine Optimization that improves their ranking on the website.

So, a question that many ask and for which you are here for; what really drives traffic on a website?

Well, there is a multitude of factors that play a role in attracting visitors to a website. Let’s discuss a few common and the most effective ones briefly:

What You Write

Believe me when I say this; content is the real deal maker. As much as other factors are important, content takes the lead. Imagine using all your resources to make sure that the maximum number of visitors come to your website and losing all of those visitors within a few seconds just because you did not have good content.

That is the power of content. It is what sets your site apart from the others. Keep your content relevant, engaging, and unique. Make sure you are providing a piece of information that is relatively new. It could be anything from your own experience or a lesser-known fact. Just try not to make it redundant and boring. 

Let Others Tell Your Story

One of the proven ways to increase a website’s traffic is guest posting/blogging. A lot of sites, in fact, all of the major sites with authority in Google are guest posting.

Guest posting is when you write a blog/post that another website publishes on their platform, giving your website a link. When the readers of the website read your piece and like it, the chances are that they will be redirected to your website for more. So, this acts as a bridge linking the two websites and allowing the latter to benefit from the established audience of the former.

Speaking of which, try going for websites that have a higher domain score. Sites that have a high domain score have more authority in Google. Having more authority in Google means that these websites are considered more trustworthy by Google. Therefore, if these high authority websites are giving a link to a certain website, the latter will be credited. Approach as many of these sites as possible so that you have a chance of getting a reply from at least one of them. 

Backlinks Can Up Your Game

Similar to what I said above, websites that have more backlinks are credited by Google. It is the reason why websites are always asking for the ‘Do follow’ links.

Backlinking is when a website gives a link of the other website on its platform. Many sites become allies and link each other to reciprocate the favor.

However, it is also essential to make sure that the backlinks on your website are not broken or spammy. Backlinks with spam can prove to be havoc for your site.

You can also buy backlinks. Many sites are selling broken or malicious backlinks, so beware of those (checkout Healthy Links).

Make Your Website User-Friendly

One of the reasons why people go back from a website within a couple of seconds is because of weird design. If the layout of your website is complex and not user-friendly, then the visitors will be repelled. When you build your website, take the ease of a layman into account. The layout should be very straightforward.

Everything that you want your user to pay attention to should be right there without any complexities. Since a significant chunk of the users uses their phone for browsing, the website ought to be mobile-friendly as well. 

Capitalize On the Power of Social Media

Social media is an effective means to spread the word. Every business has a strong social media presence these days. A significant chunk of the population is on social media. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram have a massive outreach that can help businesses achieve their target.

These social media platforms even let you advertise starting from as less as $1 per day. With ever-increasing competition in the market, people are using social media platforms more now. 

Monitor Your Website

In many instances, people come up with a strategy, implement, and then forget about it. Expecting results without tailoring your approach according to the changing needs obviously won’t do any good. If your websites are not getting enough traffic, revisit your strategy. Keeping a check on your website is always recommended.

In a nutshell, if you couple a well-written content with just the right strategies, your websites will definitely see an influx of traffic.

Until next time!

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