Writing a Research Paper: Most Helpful Tips

A research paper refers to a piece of academic writing that relies majorly on a writer’s own independent research on a given topic, analysis of data involved and the interpretation of the findings. However, you need more than subject knowledge to achieve success in writing your research paper.

You should know how the paper is evaluated and stick to the guidelines. If you are not sure about the correct way to format this type of work, you can use the guidance of research paper service to help you out. It will ensure you submit your findings in the best possible form.

Here are some tips useful to obtain an excellent paper, if you want to do it all by yourself.
How Do You Start a Research Paper?

Choosing a topic of interest is challenging enough in itself, as your attitude towards it will be a significant determinant of the level of effort and enthusiasm you will put in the research.

Start from the field of your scientific interest, but make sure to narrow it down to a very specific topic that you are going to do your research about. Remember, the time you are given must be sufficient to collect all the data, so do not try to sweep too wide. Concentrate on something manageable and verifiable.

Find The Content

You may opt to surf through the net and find relevant information. Online encyclopedias such as Britannica are useful as a starting point. However, you might need the latest and very specific information (studies, polls, statistics, etc.)

To find those, you should use only reliable sources. Be keen on domain extensions such as .gov (Government) and .edu (education institutions). This kind of sites represent officially recognized renowned institutions and tend to be more trustworthy. However, you need to analyze the websites very critically to ensure you obtain only the relevant and true information.

Come Up With a Thesis Statement

Every research paper should contain a concise and well-written thesis statement. Thesis statement refers to the core idea, or rather the focal point around which your research will be built. The argument you provide in your paper should revolve around this main point. If this statement can be proved or disproved, this is a hypothesis.

Think carefully and try to pack your idea into a one-sentence thesis statement. The major part of the article will be comprised of the arguments, facts and study references in support of this statement.

A thesis statement should come early in your paper. Preferably in the introduction or in the second paragraph for long papers. At this point, it is advisable to avoid quotes from other writers. This must be your authentic idea.

A thesis statement is meant to serve the following purposes:

• Explain your interpretation of the topic you are researching on

• Tell your readers what to expect in the paper

• Provide an answer to the question you had

• Forward a claim, which other readers and researchers may want to dispute

A compelling thesis statement is the first step towards the successful paper.

Have an Outline for Your Research Paper

Many students prefer to pass on the outline because they deem it useless. However, you should not skip this step. An outline helps you to make sure you are on the right track as you do the writing. It is a useful tool enabling you to organize your ideas and point out the key arguments. In fact, a good detailed outline is half of the work done!

While outlining your research paper, keep in mind the traditional basic structure. It must include:

• The title, complete with of the author’s name, the year of publication and the name of the university or college.

• An abstract – a summary of the paper, which is usually recommended to be no more than 250 words

• An introduction giving background information on the topic of discussion

• The body of the paper, which discusses the issue in details

• Finally, all the references and a table of contents (the latter is optional)

Organize Your Notes

This is the main part of your job. Gather all your notes, quotes, charts and data. Get your information organized according to the outline you have prepared. Take time to verify the information using the available sources. Be factual, check for accuracy, timeliness, and relevance of the information.

Starting with the first topic in your outline, go through all the notes you have gathered and summarize, quote or paraphrase to come up with the first draft of your paper using the technique that suits you best. Keep your ideas on track with the outline – do not ramble.

Revise Your Work

Read through your paper checking for errors in the text. Make sure you double-check for facts and figures. When you’ve handled those, you may start checking spelling and grammar.

Keep a close eye on typos that slip past most spellcheckers (from – form, mature – manure, public – pubic, sweep – sweet, message – message, etc.). Frustratingly, they are usually words you know how to spell, but somehow skim over in your rounds of editing. You may want to print out your draft for proofreading. Sometimes we just do not see those annoying typos on a computer screen, but they become outrageously evident to our readers.

Always pay keen attention to small details such as punctuation marks, spelling, duplicated or missing words. They may seemingly be minor issues, but their impact is significant.

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