10 Best Personal Finance Blogs

Blogging is actually one of the best things that the arrival of the World Wide Web gave us. There are millions of blogs out there and Google has been doing so well in regulating them. 

These blogs deal on different topics that affect humanity. So, people who are interested in achieving something in one area or the other can learn how to get to do this through blogs. There are lots of blogs that deal on personal finance, from where people can learn how to manage their income, resources and even make their small businesses grow.

When rating these blogs, different things come into play. They will include the number of people that read and follow their posts, the quality of information they dole out in their posts, and how unique the information are. 

Other ways to determine the best blogs include where the blog is ranked by Google through their indexing, testimonies from readers concerning what their posts have done for them, and others. So, below is a list of the 10 best personal finance blogs at present.

Get Rich Slowly

Many people have attested to the fact that this is one of the best personal finance blogs in the current dispensation. When Time and Money magazine proclaims you one of the best, you are really among the best. The creator of the blog has one philosophy that is so true, and this endears it to people. He believes that it takes time to build wealth and that this could only be achieved through set goals and measuring principles like less spending and mapping out of a salary for you first. He also inspires a lot with his posts about how to achieve financial independence and how to overcome debts just as he did.

ESI Money

This is one of the best blogs too. It also focuses on money management in the bid to become wealthy. It explains in most of its posts about the concept of being wealthy, how people understand it, and its impact on their economic lives. Here, the ideas that helped the owner get rich are shared for people to pick. It is an amazing blog because you don’t just read about saving money; you are also educated on how to manage it effectively.

Budgets Are Sexy

This is one personal finance blog that many of the experts describe as that which will not get you bored. Here, J. Money focuses on teaching people the unconventional approach to personal finance that has worked for him. 

The way the writer explains what he goes through every day in terms of finance and economy that makes him rich makes it look like you are listening to him directly. He makes it feel very natural and practicable.

Afford Anything

This personal finance blog focuses more on the real estate sector. Here, you won’t get educated by the articles alone, the discussions and comments that come after them will teach you a lot on mortgages. The owner also hosts the M.O.N.E.Y podcast, and people who subscribe have great tales about it. Real estate is the core of finance in the west. So, this blog is very significant.

Real Life on a Budget

This is focused on how to ensure that you are in control of your money. It is about one who feels he failed with money at his younger age and who is determined to conquer money now that he has grown and learned a lot about it. You will learn how to rise above financial mistakes without giving up and crawl back to the pinnacle of it all again.

Think Save Retire

This is among the best, and it focuses on preparing people for the retirement stage of their lives. In this great blog, you will learn about how we are neither rich nor powerful, and how we are not even smart when it comes to money management. Because of these, all we need to do is save, reduce expenses, and use the proceeds to plan for a better life in the future. Here, you are taught how you can achieve very early retirement.


One of the reasons this is among the best blogs for personal finance is that it focuses on people who don’t know much yet about the topic. Just as the name suggests, it is meant for young people that are delving into it for the first time. Here, people are taught how to reduce spending and save more money while young. 

While it is difficult for people of this age bracket to do, it is achievable through advice from G.E. Miller. However, it is not meant for the young only. Older people can also benefit from the blog.

Money Crashers

This is one that many people may not have expected here. But all in all, it is a great blog. This is handled by two young people within their mid-twenties. But it has information, advice, admonition, and recommendations for people of all ages and qualifications on how to invest, manage credit and debt, their careers, their startups, and family and home.

Club Thrifty

This blog belongs to Holly who is a writer for many finance websites across the globe. Her blog is focused on how to save money and achieve better personal finance. She runs this with her husband, and their focus is mostly on savings, travel hacking and debt-free life. The fact that she left her full job to concentrate on blogging, and that she attracted and convinced her husband to also abandon his job and join her in blogging is an amazing inspiration. Here, they teach out of the experience. The blog is full of information, and it educates people hugely on personal finance.

Len Penzo dot Com

Here, what you will marvel at is the level of originality on display. Because of this, whenever people need to have something unique and different from what they have been having all day at the other blogs they choose here. 

This is the blog where the most unusual but yet very financially benefiting topics are taught. They are, at the end of the day, all geared towards saving more and moving away from debt. Have you heard about the ‘Costly Joys of Maintaining Older Cars’? That is one of the topics that will keep you coming back to the blog. It is indeed unique in what it does.
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