Nowadays, the Internet plays a vital role in the promotion of diverse things around the world. This is one of the most suitable and popular way of business development. Global web provides all opportunities for building a winning reputation, increasing awareness, creating information occasions, reminding the audience of the brand, products, and services.
What is the brand and branding?
Under the brand, the trademark is commonly understood, which is the prevailing thing dealing with image and reputation. This is not just a set of components, a trademark is usually perceived as a company, its products and / or services. The brand identifies a company / product / service and allocates it among many others. It is also able to predetermine the behavior of users, that support it and are customers. Therefore, the promotion of a brand on the Internet is as necessary as never.
Branding is the process of creating, developing and promoting the brand. The methods can vary, ranging from the simple study of corporate style to PR promotion on the Internet. Therefore, branding is a set of actions, aimed at the formation of a holistic image that most of the customers crave to see. In simple words, it is the management of the brand name and its reputation.
It is believed that branding as PR and promotion of the company is the aerobatics of marketing activity. The strategic prospects of the company depend on the skilful development and promotion of the brand.
Internet and more time online
The target audience is present on the Internet and that’s why it is possible to interactively collaborate with it by means of precise targeting. The advantages of online job add maximum flexibility, a high level of relevance and affordability in comparison with offline tools and methods of brand promotion. This leads to the demand for the network, and even the necessity of its use for modern business.
Features and benefits of online branding, pr promotion on the Internet
- coverage of the huge audience in comparison with traditional communication channels;
- Increased speed of information distribution (for example, by creating a proper PR online store that can be much faster than offline sales point);
- the possibility of monitoring and control of all processes;
- direct interaction with the audience, the ease of obtaining feedback. So, for example, using the Internet to promote the brand on social networks;
- low cost of marketing activities and the use of online tools. Thus, the cost of pr promotion, SEO and contextual advertising combined altogether will be less than the price of TV advertising, for example.
Brand promotion in the Internet: Methods and the main difference from offline promotion
Conceptually, the brand is the brand in any environment – both offline and online. But the work on the creation, development and promotion of the new brand offline and online has a number of differences.
The brand promotion on the Internet should take into account the specifics of the Internet audience. Thus, the development of the brand, its symbols, logo, often require some adjustments and corrections in comparison to that already used for offline environment. The emphasis is on designing and optimizing company’s website and profile in social networks and then promote the brand as well as marketing communications, e.g. Internet advertising in various forms.
Social Media Marketing
Today, PR promotion on the Internet is no longer imagined without social media. People spend a lot of time on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, they are usually willing to subscribe to different communities that are dedicated to the brands, services they are interested in. Therefore, we can and should apply SMM-tools for branding purposes. And this is true for both well-known brands, and promotion of the new brand. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube – a list of websites where you have to be as a representative of any business you deal with.
Brand Promotion in social networks: 7 tips and tricks
Nowadays, social networks are becoming more integrated into our lives, and are not just a place for communication and correspondence, but also important, we would even say strategic, place to promote products, services and brands. Many well-known companies, from food producers to major automotive companies, have successfully positioned themselves as socially active, communicate with customers through Facebook, Twitter or other social platforms.
All this leads to the idea that over time the trend of entering into social networks will only increase. In this article, we decided, based on the experience of large corporations, to give a few tips on how to promote your brand in the social sphere. Today, special attention should be paid to an interesting technique to promote its brand, which is based on a humorous approach. For someone such a scheme works with a bang!
1. Do not take your brand too seriously
You have to understand that social networks are a place where people least expect officialdom and seriousness. You also shouldn’t take your brand too seriously, we must be able to make a joke, to laugh, to use some features of the brand in order to create an interesting sense of humor. The edubirdie essays company has launched their page in Instagram and always post funny videos and pictures to attract their audience.
Many may say that not all brands in social networks, and not all will be able to find an audience. The fact is that if there is creative thinking and desire, any brand can be promoted in diverse environments. For example, a toilet paper… At first glance, not a very good choice, because who wants to be friends with the toilet paper company to receive updates etc.? In such a case, you need to see brand Charmin and the way it is introduced through social platforms. This brand clearly proved that more than a million of people are happy to add it to their profile.
2. Witty and funny answers
Many companies, especially if they are public and well known, after the start of the promotion in social networks are faced with negative reviews and comments. This is normal, because nobody is perfect. So you need to learn how to work with visitors of the community. One of the most effective ways out of an awkward situation is a sense of humor! If you see that the joke is appropriate and can “dilute” the harsh comment – use it!. You can use all kinds of memes, GIFs, interesting pictures, which are distributed in the network.
But it is not necessary to wait for negative feedback in order to successfully make a joke. Try to communicate with their clients at ease, with a hint of humor, but do not skip a line.
3. The jokes over other brands
Many people think that social networks should be used exclusively for communicating with the customers. But do not forget that there are also other famous and not famous brands that can be used for your own purposes. You ask how? Yes, everything is simple, you can gently make fun of them, bring to a friendly banter, thereby heating the interest of users to both companies. In such a way, you are free to collaborate with other companies and help each other.
The same strategy was used by the famous brand Old Spice deodorant and a network of Mexican restaurants Taco Bell.
You do not have to wait for such a call from others. Be initiative, looking for some interesting features of other brands and try to make up a witty joke. Social network users are very fond of good, current, sharp little banters. They are happy to support your initiative. But be prepared for the jokes that can be addressed to you.
4. Funny quotes
If your company specializes in the provision of services or the sale of any goods, and the main purpose of joining the social network is not just a big reputation, but actually an increase in sales, it is possible to use the tactics called “quote pad”. It is fully implemented by Arena Flowers, which specializes in the delivery of flowers. Every day they publish a few tens of funny quotes on Twitter, short jokes from everyday life. The jokes are so close to reality, so familiar to every reader that they are happy to share them on their page. Thus, Arena Flowers received daily free advertising in dozens or even hundreds of Twitter accounts of others. The number of comments grew, profits increased. Results were achieved!
5. Silly but viral pictures
Hubba Bubba brand has created a series of images that are daily posted in their community on social networks. Frankly speaking, those pictures are a little bit silly, humor is very simple, but in fact here is the sense of the simple humor! Such humor is understandable for everyone, so everything becomes clear from the first glance. As a result, images become viral, people like them, share with friends, make comments, and Hubba Bubba gets social advertising and additional popularity.
6. Pun
People love pun. Clear or obscure puns make you think, and after a few seconds, serious countenance changes to laughter and fun. It will be very cool if you like puns and can use it in your marketing plan development of the brand in the social networks.
7. Personalize
Your community should not look gray and cold. Even if you use humor, try to do it in such a way that not all the posts were on behalf of the company. Assign posting to a few employees, and let them post things on their own behalf, too, write, create the effect of presence, social activity. So the people who come to your community, see that it is alive, that there are real people, real activity, and therefore the community is interesting.
And remember, humor is a very specific tool. Not everyone can get on the first try, but there is no reason to stop and start choosing a different strategy. Look for a highlight, study the audience, their needs and desires. When you can do that, then your jokes will go viral in a few seconds on many pages in the social network.