How Social Media Has Transformed Web Design

impact of social media on web design

Social Media has introduced several changes in the way people used to communicate and interact with the brands and form their opinions about them. Not only this, but presence of brands on social media even impacts our decision making pertaining to the purchases and also, the way websites used to be designed. Like social media, people seek an intuitive and interactive experience on the websites, and thus, the website designers are now required to change the way they used to design the websites to accommodate the elements which people look for.

User Experience has now taken the centre stage as far as website designing is concerned and that’s why the top-notch Sydney Website Designers now emphasize on designing the websites which incorporate the vital social media elements.

Here are the 5 ways in which social media has transformed the process of web designing.

Interactive Design for Social Media Pages

Earlier the website designs were limited to how consumers and website visitors could access contents, and how they can interact with other people. But, the social media has revolutionized the way people interact with each other using the web, and how content could be accessed, shared or consumed. This has also affected how people perceive a brand and its services.

Thus, while designing the websites, one has to focus on creating innovative social profiles, which can grab the attention of the existing customers and prospects, engross them with the content and make it easier for them to find the relevant information about a product or service offered by the brand. If your social media pages fail to engage the people or in offering relevant information, you may lose several valuable leads.

Need for Visual Content

Before social media acquired all the attention on the web, the visual content was not considered as an essential component for grabbing the attention of the people. But, now the scenario has completely changed and high resolution images & videos have become the language of the companies using which they interact with their followers, potential customers and the existing consumers.

Not only you are required to ensure that your website possesses interesting visual content, but it should be easier to load, view and access it. As a result, while designing the website, the web designers have to ensure that the design is heavy on server-side, but light on the user side, allowing richer user experience and faster loading times.

Need Of Easily Sharable Content

Due to social networks, many websites have started focusing on infographics and other variety of content that is more likely to be shared on social media. This has changed the quality and size of images that needs to be displayed on websites. 

Social Share Icons

Earlier, the link building and brand visibility used to be the domain of the online directories, direct blogging, paid strategies, creating market magnets and forums. But, with the growth of social media, it has become one of the most vital platforms for generating credible traffic, increasing brand awareness and the consumer engagement.

How To Create Your Own Social Media Icons

Below is a YouTube playlist to create your own social media icons in variety of ways.

Thus, the social share icons have become one of the most significant elements of the website design. It is important to place these icons properly and at the right place on the web pages.

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