In the digital printing realm, sustaining a stable position as a leading company is ardent for every business owner until and unless he adopts modern and technology. There is a myriad of noise which has been made among the e-commerce world due to the soaring demand of smart hand-held devices.
These are the fruitful medium to create the inspiring relationships with the customers as nowadays most of the people love to browse the websites using smartphone, tablet, iPhone and other easy to carry devices rather than desktop and laptops. Hence, competition to target maximum mobile users in this digital printing field is getting tough, where everyone is striving to pull his close competitors down and become a stand out from the crowd.
It has proved that getting an edge in the online printing industry is not possible until you have an appreciable web presence. Thus, every successful printing company has good search engine ranking or visibility over the popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc. Now, the question is how can you acquire a leading position in the e-printing business and what approach do you need to follow to uplift the sales? Regarded as an ideal solution, web-to-print is a substantial way to strengthen the productivity of print businesses and gain the unlimited chances to make money online.
Statistic About Digital Printing
Blooming at fast pace, digital printing is the emerging trend accepted globally as one of the profit raising solutions. Adopted by almost all small to big enterprises, this modern technique has completely changed the way of printing products which has now become the task of fun.
The expected digital printing growth in the US according to the research of Smithers Pira is approximately $187.7 billion in 2018, which was $131.5 billion in 2013. Furthermore, the estimated volume produced by digital printing will probably elevate by 68.1% during the period of 2013 to 2018. Whereas, the offset print volume will fall down in this time period by 10.2% according to the projected stats.
How Digital Printing Has Changed Printing Industry Landscape!
The flourishing number of large to small companies is taking a significant step towards digital printing from offset printing. This is because of the rising demand of mobile devices. People are now quite choosy and they want everything according to their convenience.
It does mean laziness is the reason behind it, but the matter is that time is more precious for everyone and almost all want to avoid traveling as it consumes too much time when anyone goes to a brick and mortar printing company. In this way, they can also save the cost besides time, because both are valuable for all and plays an integral role in the business success.
Offset Printing Vs. Digital Printing
The very less number of people are in the favor of offset printing, because it is only viable only if there is an order of thousands products. Generally, the small & startup businesses do not have many orders due to less number of target audience. Hence, digital printing would be the perfect option in terms of the low volume of requirement for the beginners or struggling businesses.
The cost involved with offset printing is higher than digital, which is usually beyond the budget for all sort of companies. Therefore, it is a lucrative to use digital printing trend.
Digital printing is not based on plate making approach. This is why, design created by this trend takes more time than offset printing. Standard digital technology brings freedom for the end users to unleash artwork, which is not possible with traditional technology.
Each business has distinct needs and goals. But, there is one mission which is common, called high-quality. The production with standard quality is imperative because customers want the best & innovative results exact to their requisites. Digital printing technology makes these things possible and aid the business owners to meet the challenges without obstacle.
Web-to-print: Is It Really The Need Of Printing Industry!
Web to print, which is also referred as web2print, is a broad term these days amidst e-printing businesses and prominent for opening the umbrella of opportunities to the commercial printers. It is used for all kinds of product designing processes, whether simple or complex.
As we all know that the fashion needs are always ever-changing. Thus, their fulfillment requires an ideal solution that can execute them aesthetically and provide utmost ease to the users. Web to print is today’s top-graded trend, holding the powerful foothold worldwide. The output offered by this well-noted method is released in print-ready format, especially in PDF.
Being a trendy technology, web-to-print allows showcasing all the minutest product design needs online and the interesting part is; there is no requirement to be technically hands-down to implement the creativity. It possibly lets the printing houses (offset and online), graphic designers and customers design, edit and play with the artistic work online. The embedded library of cliparts and templates enables the end users to perform their imaginations along with the facility to add own images in the design to make it fully personalized. The final printed outcome provided by web2print is satisfying and ensures the standard level of quality.
The Future Scope Of Web-to-Print In Printing Industry
Web to print is sought-after as the most exclusive e-commerce storefront which approaches the users to create customized or personalized printed products as per their own requisites. Probably, it has become the first choice of printing businesses who deal online in the global market with innovative printed solutions.
Investment for the web to print platforms is truly profitable to reap the total printing business revenues. Hence, the adoption rate of this noted technology is rising with a considerable figure. Keeping all the benefits in the mind, 90% businesses have planned to look at this emerging web to print powered platforms to improve the quality, production, potential customers, traffic and online presence. The scope of web to print is bright in the future, so go for an effective software powered by it to potentially attain the massive benefits.
More and more people are jumping in the online printing industry to make profits and get a real exposure in the international market. There is a gold rush in this arena, so it would be recommended to make sure that don’t adopt any platform built with web-to-print blindly just to see the shiny features. Web-to-print can be a magic bullet for small to large e-printing businesses, if they avail tool/software developed with it. Incorporated with multifarious stunning artwork library, e-commerce platforms, custom options, easy to use cliparts, artwork manipulating options, etc, tools are good for quality results.