
Top 10 RSS Feeds a Java Developer Should Subscribe

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Looking for Java RSS Feeds? We have compiled a list of java blogs and websites that will keep you up to date with Java technology.

RSS feed gives web readers the freedom to choose from bulk of information spread across the World Wide Web. Though there are ways to choose, its not easy to decide what RSS feed you must subscribe and/or NOT subscribe.

For choosing the correct feeds, it’s important that you search the internet extensively. Below are the Top ten feeds we think perfectly fits the need of a Java Developer to be up to date on cutting edge technologies and related news.

  2. Martin Fowler is a renowned author, software consultant and speaker. His blog about software technology is a must read for any software developer (Not only Java). RSS – RSS Feed

  3. Coding Horror
  4. Coding Horror is one of the most popular RSS feeds, which is used by more than 115,000 RSS readers. People who are interested in programming or those who are starting into the field of programming, should visit the site as it provides many different types of information. RSS – Codinghorror RSS Feed

  5. DZone
  6. DZone is for web developers and programmers, and it is one of the most helpful technical sites for developers. There are more than 20,000 subscribers to Dzone RSS feeds (as given on the website) in the popular links, while more than 1000 users are found in the new links section. RSS – DZone Front Page RSS Feed

  7. Webappers
  8. Webappers is a blog dedicated to open source projects and developers, and it has more than 16,000 regular readers who are web designer or developers. The website has more than 27,437 RSS subscribers. RSS – WebAppers RSS Feed

  9. TechCrunch
  10. TechCrunch was founded in 2005 and currently, the website gets more than 10 million visitors in a month. The website has a global network and in 2010, the company was acquired by AOL. It has around 1905,000 RSS subscribers throughout the world. RSS – TechCrunch RSS Feed

  12. Digg is one of the most popular bookmarking sites and it does provide RSS in the field of technology; and there are no hired editors for the articles. Digg promotes the user’s stuff and determines the content. Subscribers to Digg API can get all the latest stories, and you can view the stories at the url provided. Digg can be a really good source of latest trending technology news. RSS – Digg Technology RSS Feed

  13. Oracle Technology Network for Java Developers [formerly known as Sun Developer Network (SDN) ]
  14. This is the official Java developer website which provides latest resources for Java developers. You can access information in three different categories of interest – Java technology highlights, Java ME Technology and Solaris Technology highlights – all three are XML based news feed categories. A Java developer can set up RSS Aware news reader on the client computer to get the latest information. RSS – Sun Developer Network RSS Feed

  15. IBM’s DeveloperWorks
  16. IBM provides tutorials and technical resources for Java students and developers. RSS feeds are provided for information management products, Lotus products, Rational products, Tivoli products, Websphere products and IBM software products. The user can download a RSS reader and subscribe to feeds which have a title of content which is like a tech-note, a description and a link to the content. RSS – DeveloperWorks RSS Feed

  17. O’ Reilly OnJava
  18. The website was established in 2000 and it provides news about the latest innovations in Java as well as quality code snippets. It has numerous Java based coding examples. Moreover’ it provides news in number of sections such as Java and XML, Java IDE Tools, security, SysAdmin, servlets, open source, P2P, web services and wireless Java. RSS – OnJava RSS Feed

  19. Reddit Programming
  20. Reddit is another popular bookmarking website, just like It. Its programming feed contains some of the interesting articles related to Java. RSS – OnJava RSS Feed

It’s quintessential for a Java developer to subscribe to some of the best RSS feeds, in order to be in sync with latest developments in technology, and consequently utilize the knowledge of the latest software breakthroughs for better Java programming and development. At the moment, very few web avenues can match the hassle free and minute by minute updates of RSS feeds.

Really simple syndication or RSS refers to a syndication format which is used to view updated news, headlines, videos and audios in the standard format. An RSS feed contains a channel, a title, link, description and language followed by series of items. The original RSS was 0.90 version designed by Netscape. UserLand later evolved it to form 0.9 x branches, which can be used for metadata rich syndication. RSS feeds prevent the need to individually visit websites to see the latest content or modified content as you automatically get it through feeds anytime, as per your convenience.

Do you subscribe to a RSS feed which is not part of this list? Please don’t forget to share it with me in comments section & I will try to include it in the list.


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