When in search to expand your knowledge in any field, a few things such as a good book is very helpful. This holds true for the e-commerce field as well. Yes, it is true we are in a fast working industry where blogs prove to be the ideal solution in keeping us up to date with the latest developments, but only books can teach you the fundamentals, give you deep insights and even inspire you to realize your business dreams.
However, time is precious to all of us and a selection must be made. So, with a selection based online research and survey, I made a list of t books every e-commerce Professional Should Read.
In The Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives
(By: Steven Levy )
Over the past decade, Google has really become a relevant cornerstone on the internet and has actually changed the lives of modern society. The book talks in detail about the way Google constantly expands its reach by creating products with goals of increasing productivity and efficiency. It also talks about the founders of Google and the skills it takes to run such a company.
One-click: Jeff Bezos and the Rise of Amazon.com
(By: Richard L. Brandt )
Since the foundation of amazon in 1995, Amazon has been increasing in size, services, revenues,
and products. There is something about amazon that makes every e-commerce minded person look into the company’s success path. The book describes how Amazon has evolved since its early days and also how and why it grew like it did. The book also shows how the business draws the most convenient ways to run your online shopping business.
Anyone Can Do It: Building Coffee Republic from Our Kitchen Table 57 – Real Life Laws on Entrepreneurship
(By: Sahar Hashemi & Bobby Hashemi )
This is a very inspiring book and every entrepreneur should get themselves a copy. The book guides us through the steps we need to take in order to become globally successful from the idea, writing down the business plan to even hiring and firing.
Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability
(By: Steve Krug )
The main aim of this book is to make you think like a usability expert. This is by making your website simple in terms of navigation such that people will not have to think at all.
This book is also a recommended reading for web design and development.
The 4-Hour Work Week
(By: Timothy Ferriss )
This is a motivational book targeted to those with the mind or vision of owning an online business, basically allowing them into an effortless activity. The book is divided into 4 parts that cover different components which as described as goal setting, automation of cash flows, elimination of distraction, and liberation from traditional expectations.
Get Rich Click!: The Ultimate Guide to Making Money on the Internet
(By: Marc Ostrofsky )
This book is for those looking for a comprehensive guide to build your
e-commerce business ideas. The book is said to be the ultimate guide to making money through the internet.
Convert!: Designing Web Sites to Increase Traffic and Conversion
(By: Ben Hunt )
In this book, the author shows how to design websites with the aim to increase traffic and conversion. The author also talks about the importance of SEO and customer engagement. In this book, Hunt believes that success in e-commerce is a result of proper connection with the customers.
Return on Relationship
(By: Kathryn Rose & Rubin Ted )
The book focuses on how to maximize your business potential using some online community-based tools such as social media for marketing.
Ecom Hell: How to Make Money in Ecommerce Without Getting Burned
(By: Shirley Tan )
This book is a must-read for absolute beginners. If you are starting an e-commerce business for the first time use this book for doing before getting started. The author of the books is experienced in e-commerce and addresses the major pain points in setting up an e-commerce store.
E-commerce Get It Right
(By: Ian Daniel )
This book lists down some simple practical steps that you can easily start using in your own store. The book is a good reference for people who already know how to start an e-commerce business but having difficulty making sales.
(By: Jeff Walker )
This is a simple to read a book. Its aimed at small-business owners or starting-out entrepreneurs. The author of the book has strong experience and has done in-depth research about the subject. The book also provides a reference to many free resources for readers.
Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World
(By: Michael Hyatt )
This book is written in an encouraging and inspiring tone that can be really helpful for first-timers. These books talk about the importance of social media and blogs in growing e-commerce businesses. Most of the content from this book can also be found for free on the authors’ blog.
I hope you find success in your business. Picking a few books before starting a business is not very uncommon. Have you already read some of these books? Which book do you like?