Checkout the latest books on game development here
Game programming is a part of Game Development which involves developing software of video games. Although many novices undertake game programming as a hobby, it is often regarded as a high-level software development activity, carried out by professional programmers.
In today’s times, the career of a game programmer/developer has become quite popular owing to the increased demand for programmers in almost all of the video game companies. Game programming is a very secure career choice as nearly every business works on the principles of programming.
Additionally, programming is not an easy job, hence not many people venture into this arena which leaves a lot of scope for excellent job opportunities. Due to a dearth of game programmers within the industry, the pay packages are extremely competitive.
Although, all these positives might sound good to the ears but becoming a game programmer does
require a lot of hard work and dedication. However, if you know the right place to start your quest, it will be a cakewalk for you.
If you are a game programming aspirant, you cannot excel without the help of the below-given books:
Game Engine Architecture
Regardless of whether you are an experienced programmer or a modest beginner, you will easily understand the subject matter.
The biggest benefits of the book are a mature style of writing, a clear description of all the functional blocks, different ways in which an engine can implement a given feature and the interaction between different blocks of a game engine.
Programming Game AI
The book on programming AI which breaks complex topics into simpler, easy to understand forms. The various concepts are explained in a logical, step-by-step manner, which makes perfect sense even to a beginner. The book contains well described, thorough and real working examples which can be plugged right into a game. The best part about the book is that it gives out all the secrets of AI programming, with a modern and efficient code along with techniques that are relevant in today’s world.
Mathematics For 3D Game Programming And Computer Graphics
This book comes along with a companion website containing GLSL and C++ shader codes. In order to reinforce the subject matter, each chapter has a practice exercise (along with the answer key). The book will take you through all the important mathematical concepts of 3D programming like matrix, vectors, basic geometry, ray tracing, curve algorithms and the like. However, in order to make the best possible use of this book, you must have some basic knowledge of math.
Game Coding Complete
The best part about the book is that it covers all those topics which are normally left out by some other books like memory management and pointers, debugging, scripting, scheduling and testing and so on. In addition to this, the author has also maintained an active website to support the book and its readers.
Artificial Intelligence For Games
Without getting into quick and dirty implementation techniques, the book will take you through an idealized design approach so that you can master the art of game development.
The Art Of Game Design: A Book Of Lenses
Additionally, it will also make you aware of some facets of personal communication and the mistakes that professional game designers most often make.
All in all, it is a well-presented book with modest and easy to understand illustrations and examples.
Level Up!: The Guide To Great Video Game Design
The author not only possesses complete knowledge about game development but has also been a part of this industry for several years. The information is presented in an easy to understand and fun manner, with little drawings explaining a point more clearly than written text.
An ideally suitable book for novices as well as advanced programmers.
Game programming gives you an opportunity to carve out a career in a field that you enjoy. Also, since programming requires putting in long hours of work, the more you enjoy your work, the more efficient you will be. And, if you know where to look out for the information that you require, you can definitely be a huge success within this arena.